lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

IF - Racing

A fast drawing to illustrate a little thought I had while racing for the tram!
I love trams... and my daughter does too.

11 comentarios:

  1. This is just such a cute idea! The perspective of the drawing enhances the feel of racing and flying. Your little girl must be very special.

  2. Great sketch! It's so dynamic, I love the composition and the shadows are great.

  3. Oh, and thanks for visiting my blog. I'm glad you liked my new cat-world.

  4. This is how I feel most mornings on the school run! Love the way that you have really captured the movement.

  5. Great idea! I really like the way you just sketch it into some squared book. So much nicer to look at than all this badly done Adobe Illustrator work!! Thanks :)

  6. Thanks so much for the kind words on my is nice to find someone who understands. Isn't it funny that the people closest to you don't??? Anyway...I love your drawings, you are so talented. I'm so glad you're part of the Art Every Day project. Can't wait to see more...
    Tenga un buen dia...:)

  7. Hola Nur. muy buena idea. El pensamiento de tu hija me hizo reir.
    Te felicito!.

  8. This is adorable and funny and being a mum as well I can see the need for flying!

  9. This is a brilliant illustration, I really admire the quality - a 'fast drawing' you say? Amazing
